Friday, December 26, 2008

The key is the treasure?

So, I guess I have to talk about Xmas, since that is relevant right was ok. There were some wierd vibes going on, and I cried Xmas eve for the first time in months it seems. I don't know. I just became overwhelmed with sadness for a minute, because I felt completely misunderstood by someone who is supposed to "get me". It just made me pause, and cry..but I felt better and I have been catching up on sleep too, so I actually feel more rested than I have in over a year. And then I actually opened up to my Step-Mom, which hardly ever happens. The last time I think was when all this wierd stuff went down with this guy named Richard..Long before I was married, or even with K , but that is another story that I don't feel like getting into right now.

But speaking of Xmas, my Father-in-law gave me this interesting piece of art. Its like part of a scroll, the Empress of China or something..encased in sort of a plexiglass. I will have to post a picture later..but on the back, it is written "the key is the treasure". That phrase got me to thinking, what does it mean? Does it mean the journey is the destination kind of thing? That's what I thought, but I am not sure..anyway, its kind of cool, it will go well in my sort of Asian style bedroom. That was a memorable present.

The kids had a great time though, despite any wierdness between K and I. Lily was so excited, I don't think I have ever seen her so excited. Mirabel doesn't quite get the present opening, but she had fun too and seems to be working through her teething..Anyway, that's about it, a New year is almost upon us, what will it bring?

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