Monday, January 19, 2009

Falling in holes

For as long as I can remember, I have these periods of time where I sort of feel like I have stepped into a hole of some sort, like a hole of negativity hole, a black hole, as it were. Right now I am supposed to be looking into why these damn pages on one of my IBM page isn't working. That's pretty much what I do anymore is damage control, same with my life. Maybe my job reflects my life in a wierd kind of way? I have been in a bit of a funk, partly hormonal I think after I weaned Mirabel, things kind of went to hell in a handbasket. Anyway, I don't have time to write much more, here is a poem that describes it:

If the world is round

If the world is round,
I am rounder

If the world is a sad place,
I am touched

If the river runs through it,
I am underwater

Don’t let the wind blow me away-
let the light turn me to dust
and swallow me up

Let me bask in the loveliness
of your first glimpse of me
and mine of you, forever

So I can feel the emptiness
rush away in a surge
of forgiveness

I want to watch you grow older
as I become old as sin
and the dark things that sometimes linger
from long ago - drift more distantly from my mind,
like fog rolling over the rocks
of ancient history..

© Molly McHaney Krava

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